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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
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Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Ven Dic 17, 2010 12:08:57    Oggetto:
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beh questi sono i rumors necron dell'ultima ora..

New Codex drops mid year.
WBB changes to FNP for "most" units
New HQ options include "One" new C'Tan. Nightbringer and Deceiver to get new models...and at least one will have optional "incarnations"
New Tomb Spider plastic model. option to create alternate model that is Heavy artillery.
New fast cc focus unit. jump infantry. warrior sized.
new models for immortals.
new "tank" - could be the TS based artillery just referenced from different source.
new MC walker - likely the rumored "Necronmancer" - may be HQ or Heavy-conflicting rumors here.
New plastic Lord with all options.
New named Lord metal blister
New Monolith option...not represented in models to be released.
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 27/07/06 09:19
Messaggi: 3766
Residenza: Occhio del Terrore

 Messaggio Inviato: Ven Dic 17, 2010 12:41:46    Oggetto:
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spero sempre che tolgano il phase out... li cassino come vogliano, np, basta che mi tolgano il phase out!
Non lo sopporto.
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
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Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Ven Dic 17, 2010 13:10:47    Oggetto:
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GabBorg ha scritto:

spero sempre che tolgano il phase out... li cassino come vogliano, np, basta che mi tolgano il phase out!
Non lo sopporto.

è quello che AMO dei necron... posso batterti come un tappeto, ma tanto poi se ne vanno!!
lolup lolup lolup
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
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Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Ven Dic 17, 2010 13:24:12    Oggetto:
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Also, in other rumors, August is being banted about as Tyranid 2nd wave. To include:
Doom blister
Tyrannofex plastic with options to build as Tervigon - unreliable rumor as to the optional build, but I'm throwing it in
Tyranid direct only lashwhip bonesword upgrade blister for warriors
"yrmgarll?" direct only genestealer flashgit model, one pose, direct only.

On the flyer front. Theres a rumor of a thunderbolt fighter in design for plastic...from the sound its very early, and if other rumors are true of a "flyer" WD supplemental release, it would not make that cut.
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 27/07/06 09:19
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Residenza: Occhio del Terrore

 Messaggio Inviato: Lun Dic 20, 2010 09:04:33    Oggetto:
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beh in effetti le seconde ondate devono arrivare. Così tengono viva l'attenzione su quell esercito e si sbattono poco wink
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
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Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Mar Gen 18, 2011 16:55:11    Oggetto:
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stavo meditando sui prossimi codex... i rumors sui BT e DA erano probabilmente legati ai playtest delle faq. ci si scorda un nuovo codex per ANNI!!!
vabbè... non lamentiamoci... i templari hanno possibilità PAUROSE ora!!!

scartati questi chi rimane??? tau, necron e sorelle.... ma ci rendiamo conto che hanno PRATICAMENTE RIFATTO TUTTI I CODEX STO GIRO???????????
sono 1 po' emozionato.... Razz

certo caos e eldar iniziano a essere vecchiotti.. specialmente il caos che fa cacare. quello però lo tengono per la sesta edizione mi sa!

io scommetto sui necron come prossimo codex.
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 27/07/06 09:19
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Residenza: Occhio del Terrore

 Messaggio Inviato: Mar Gen 18, 2011 17:48:26    Oggetto:
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 27/07/06 09:19
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Residenza: Occhio del Terrore

 Messaggio Inviato: Gio Gen 27, 2011 11:36:03    Oggetto:
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un copia7incolla di tutto quello che gira in rete smile

I nuovi necron sarebbero in arrivo ufficialmente nel 2011!!! Si dice usciranno nel giorno dei morti! quindi si presuppone il 31 ottobre o giu di li! Finalmente! ecco un riassunto dei nuovi necron!

Il 60% dell'esercito riceverà +1R

NECRON: conferisce Insensibile al dolore, Lento e determinato, Determinato
GAUSS: conferirebbe dilaniante alle armi necron, inoltre, contro i veicoli invece di aggiungere un D3 aggiungerebbero D6
CAMPI DI DISTURBO: conferisce dilaniante anche in corpo a corpo e aggiungerebbe sempre D6 contro i veicoli
FASAMENTO: si parla di una riumozione della regola o di applicare la regola ad ogni singola unità (per esempio se l'unità va sotto 5 modelli deve testare ogni turno per non scomparire)

- QG
C'TAN: saranno sempre presenti e ne verrà aggiungo UNO nuono! Avranno nuovi modelli
LORD: ci saranno 3 tipi di lord (si parla di sacerdote ORO, ARGENTO, BRONZO) e vari personaggi speciali. inoltre ci sarà un kit in plastica con varie opzioni. si dice che il lord di livello ORO avrà il globo della resurrezione. ci sarà la possibilità di avere dei lord simili a degli avatar come dei piccoli c'tan. Probabilmente avranno R6 e guerriero eterno
NECROMANCER: si parla di una possibilità che sia QG

GUERRIERI: 20pt modello, R5, qualche tipo di granata (si dice tornerà ad essere la truppa base più forte del 40k)
si parla anche di nuovi tipi di truppe sbloccabili in base al lord scelto

STERMINATORI LEGGERI: sembra nessun cambiamento in vista, probabile aumento della R6
SCIAMI DI SCARABEI: sembra ce ne saranno 2 tipi(un tipo riparerà le unità amiche e un altro tipo che servirà nei combattimenti)
SPETTRI: grandi cambiamenti si parla di 50pt modello F6, I6, armi ad energia, TI3+

STERMINATORI PESANTI: sembra nessun cambiamento in vista, probabile aumento della R6
MONOLITO: possibilità di nuove oprioni non rappresentate nel modello (300punti)
RAGNI DELLE TOMBE: si parla di 3 diversi settaggi
NECROMANCER: sembra sarà un camminatore con 3 opzioni armi

PHARIA: grandi cambiamenti! per ora si sa solo la regola senz'anima ma sicuramente saranno migliorati e diventeranno una delle truppe più forti del 40k
SCORTICATI: Grandi cambiamenti con nuove regole e molto probabilmente dilaniante (dovuto dai campi di disturbo)
IMMORTALI: sembra nessun cambiamento in vista, probabile aumento della R6

nuovi modelli in plastica per:
IMMORTALI (saranno molto più grandi e avranno una basetta da terminetor... questo fa pensare ad un totale restyiling dei modelli necron dovendoli ingrandire dato che per esempio gli sterminatori si basano sulla base degli immortali)
SCORTICATI (rumors contrastanti su di loro se saranno rifatti o no)
C'TAN probabilmente si parla di nuovi modelli più grandi ma non si sa ancora se metallo o plastica)

- Background

Verranno riportate molte storie prima e dopo la trasformazione in macchine.
La gw stia utilizzando molto il BG per creare le regole dei necron e caratterizzarli in modo adeguato.

Molte cose mi sembrano ca**ate enormi, ma intanto c'è tempo per smentirle smile

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Site Admin

Registrato: 30/06/06 19:53
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Residenza: I tuoi incubi!

 Messaggio Inviato: Gio Gen 27, 2011 12:18:32    Oggetto:
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Tipo lo spam di R5 e R6 asd

Altro che terminator col 3+ invulnerabile....
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
Messaggi: 3651
Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Gio Gen 27, 2011 12:19:27    Oggetto:
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sisiapproved sisiapproved sisiapproved
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 27/07/06 09:19
Messaggi: 3766
Residenza: Occhio del Terrore

 Messaggio Inviato: Gio Gen 27, 2011 12:21:16    Oggetto:
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già, quella è una cagata colossale!!!!!

Io sarei contento di unità nuove, sia nelle truppe che negli elite. Un po' + di varietà, insomma. Il resto è fuffa!!!

Certo che gli spettri a con armi potenziate.... mmmmm gustosi!!!!! Vabbeh che li farebbero pagare + del doppio di adesso.

E' prestooooo......

magari solo come spunto di riflessione wink
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
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Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Lun Mar 14, 2011 16:45:43    Oggetto:
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AHIA.. gabbo queste non sono buone nuove... + che squat cmq pare siano demiurghi.

"Well after posting some GK rumors i have returned with some more interesting tid bitz.

Squats will be returning with the TAU!
depending on printing problems it is possible they will be slated for November 2011 moving the Necrons back

Squats will be a troop choice and have t4 s5(with battle axe) 5+ 5+FNP(intoxicating save) and SAP but will be allowed to charge 6" instead of rolling
There is a squat HQ but no info yet.

Kroot are still in as well as the firewarriors

Character unlocks crisis suits as troops and they have gotten much better.

hopefully more to come in the upcoming months. Enjoy "
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 27/07/06 09:19
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Residenza: Occhio del Terrore

 Messaggio Inviato: Mar Mar 15, 2011 09:02:07    Oggetto:
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EVVAAAIII!!!! Questo vuol dire TAU!!!!

Io non ho fretta con i necron, anzi!!!
Meglio ancora se sono Tau, così posso valutare bene e Matte è contento, che ne hanno più bisogno che dei necron. In fondo i necron sono un esercito di 10 anni che ancora tiene testa a tutti, se giocato bene!!!

GH!!! per gli squat... vabbeh! Confused
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
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Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Mer Mar 23, 2011 12:01:08    Oggetto:
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cheffaccio apro un topic "nuovo codex tau"??? wink

questo è un bozzetto di Jes Goodwin, per chi non lo conoscesse, la mano espertissima dietro ad es. agli eldar del 2006 e ai dark eldar attuali. uno leggero insomma!!!
se i tau li fa lui verranno SPANATI, almeno come minia!!!

è il problema dei cavalieri... Jes era impegnato con i DE e CHISSA' CHI KAKKIO LE HA FATTE LE MINIAAAAA!!!
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OZO Addicted

Registrato: 31/07/06 09:28
Messaggi: 3651
Residenza: Fortezza Crociata Sfonda'anus

 Messaggio Inviato: Mar Mar 29, 2011 14:30:35    Oggetto:
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ora tocca ai necron...

New kits done in plastic:
Destroyers/Heavy Destroyers. This will be released as one kit with lots of options. They look like the old hybrid kits, but in plastic with fancier torso’s. The skimmer body things don’t look much changed, actually. But I don’t think that’s a bad thing. With the hefty price drop from their current points cost, expect to be buying a lot of these to deal with your enemy termies and the like, since with the exception of one of the Special Character Lords they are your best option for dealing with 2+ saves, though there is an option for a lawn mower (lown mower as in a gun that has alot of shots, to mow throw hordes) type weapon too if you want to deal with hordes, though considering the other weapon options you have with these guys and the number of other units in the new codex with slaughter hordes better, its sort of a waste. You get 1 per box.

Immortals – These look coolish…kinda. I think I liked the simpler look of the old ones, but if you are a fan of all the “bling” that GW has started throwing on with remakes like the BA and GK, then you will like the new Immortals. I don’t really find that they fit with the Necron look, but time will tell, and maybe they will look better painted. They are also bigger. One of the Special Character ‘Cron lords makes them troops. Will come in boxes of 5, can be in units of up to 10.

Tomb spider is getting a nice remake, haven’t seen the model yet but I hear it looks cool. Like the Destroyers, the rumor is that this will have several options and be able to fulfill a Varity of roles in the army. 1 per box.

New MC/Vehicle type thing that can throw down some long range hurt but is still underwhelming compared to things like the Manticore, and will likely be unpopular. 48” range I believe. It looks really stupid and out of place in the Necron force. 1 per box

New giant MC guy with either ranged or melee options. Has a very Wraith Lord feel all around. One of the guns looks similar (maybe the same?) to the new gun the destroyer guys are getting which works well against hordes. He has a lot of weapon options and looks….ok. I am not a big fan of giants though so maybe it’s me. Defiantly a MC like a wraith lord and not a vehicle like a dreadnaught/sentinel however. I think people will either build lists around 3 of these guys (you can’t take them in squadrons, so they really eat up your HS slots, which honestly surprised me since GW seems to be letting people take walkers in groups of 3 so they can sell more) or won’t take them at all. Still in the age where half the guardsman and space marines in the galaxy seem to run around packing plasma or melta guns, I don’t expect these guys will be that competitive even with their high toughness just because to kit them out with the best weapon options makes them a bit more expensive then they are worth, and giant models tend to attract a lot of fire power. I think I saw something about a way to make them available in elite slots as well as HS slots. Maybe through a special character? 1 per box.

New fast attack unit that finally gives Necron’s some non MC melee options. Look kinda like flayed ones. They have an 18” charge with their special ability. Think jump infantry with special rules. 5 per box

Warriors will come 10 to a box; have some new options and also other colors of rod (orange and red I think? Orange is not bright orange, but sort of dark, kinda like a beer color almost) Otherwise look the same.

Didn’t see a plastic lord, but didn’t hear that there wasn’t one. Still, I can’t really say either way, though it would be nice if they put one out I don’t really have any evidence that this is the case.

I didn’t see or hear anything about an LED kit for the Monolith. I am not saying that something like that isn’t going to happen, but I haven’t heard even the slightest hint of something like that happening, or seen any evidence to suggest it other then what people post on forums like this.

New Blisters:
There is a new metal lord on foot, has a staff. Looks really cool, but I don’t like painting metal, so I don’t know if I will be picking him up.

WBB is basically FNP for most guys. Not saying its FNP exactly, but well…it pretty much comes out to being FNP. The way Res orbs work has, obviously, been reworked as well.

Phase out is…well phased out. Not saying the rule is completely gone, but you won’t have to buy a ton of unit X to keep your enemy from just destroying your “Necrons” units and causing your army to get removed.

C’tan are gone, and are replaced with powerful named Necron lords and special characters.

One of the Lords makes Immortals troops, though I am not sure if they are scoring.

Another Special Character has some really nice anti psyker abilities. I don’t think he is a lord, some other sort of Necron maybe? I don’t play Necrons myself, but I didn’t get the impression that he was a boss ‘Cron.

Unlike what people have been saying, not all gauss weapons are rending.

Living metal is changing, but if anything its getting better. Kinda.

A lot of the weird complicated rules from the codex are getting simplified and a lot of the war gear options are vanishing, though many of them will be back in slightly altered form as special abilities or items owned by some of the new special characters.

Necrons will have their magic power guy, but no he isn’t a psyker. I mean he is LIKE a psyker, but is not actually, you know, a psyker. Even if he plays and feels…well you know, just like a psyker.

While the Ctan are themselves out of the codex ( a good thing, since they were way underpowered for gods) look to see their influence still in place.

Over all Necrons are a lot cheaper across the board point wise, though that’s to be expected (GW wants you to buy more little plastic men, and the best way to do this is make it so it takes more of them to fill up an army). Monoliths remain expensive though, and one of the lords was something crazy, like 240 points or somewhere around there. He looks like he has potential to be beastly in CC though.

I didn’t see any rules for a transport for the warriors, though I was really hoping they would get something to bring them into the age of 5th edition mech. I wish I could tell you they had a necrhino or nechimera but I just didn’t see anything like that, and I didn’t hear about anything like that either. They have been giving some interesting new fast attack and CC options, but it looks like, at least to me, that they still won’t be at the power level of BA/SW/GK. Still, they will get a much needed boost from their current state, and should be a lot less confusing to play.

I don’t have a release date, but I am expecting an October release. That’s a guess though.

Again I fully expect at least some of this to change, so take this with all the salt you want, but I thought maybe some folks might want some more rumors, and since no one else seemed to want to put this stuff out, I figured I would. Likewise I am only human and it’s possible I remembered something wrong. Anyway, Enjoy.
It matches with what others have been saying and it seems very Ward-esque.
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